Personal data policy
Contact details of the data controller:
Address: Kongevejen 340, 3. th
2840 Holte
CVR: 37038164
Phone: +45 2830 5445
Data Sharing with Event Participants, Sponsors and Speakers
By registering for the event, you agree that your name, title, and company will be shared with other attendees, sponsors and speakers
Pictures and video
Pictures will be taken and possibly recorded video for the conferences. When you accept our personal data policy, you also accept that images and video can be used in marketing of Relevent’s conferences.
We use this type of data about the customer
We use the personal data that the customer gives us so that we can solve the agreed task. That also includes the data that appears in the customer’s tax file, to the extent that the customer gives us access to it. This concerns information about the customer’s financial, tax and business affairs relationship.
We only process necessary personal data
We collect, process and store only the personal data that is necessary in relation to solving it agreed tasks. This basically applies to the Personal Register, the Land Registry Book, the Danish Business Authority, CVR register, SKAT and Owner register.
In addition, the type of data that needs to be collected may be determined by law and store for our business operations. This applies, for example, to the Accounting Act and the Money Laundering Act (see further below in the last section).
We delete personal data when it is no longer necessary
We delete personal data when it is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose that was the reason for the collection. It will basically be after the end of the customer relationship. We always store customer data for use in accounting material for at least 5 years due to the rules in the Accounting Act and money laundering act.
Dissemination and transfer of personal data
We pass on and entrust personal data to business partners and other players, if it is necessary to fulfill the agreement that we have entered into with the customer. We sometimes choose to use data processors, including providers of software, web hosting, backup, security, and storage. When data processors are used, it only happens on the basis of specific purpose, and it is still our responsibility that the customer’s information is processed in accordance with applicable legislation and this personal data policy.
We do not pass on personal data for purposes that do not follow from the agreement – e.g. passing on to others need for their marketing – unless we have agreed this with the customer in connection with the collection or obtains consent from the customer after informing him of what the customer’s data will be used for. The customer can at any time ask us to stop the transfer of personal data, regardless of whether it has been agreed or the customer has otherwise consented to it.
However, we do not obtain the customer’s consent if we are legally obliged to pass on personal data, e.g as part of a statutory report to an authority.
The customer has the right to access his personal data
The customer has the right at any time to be informed about which data we process about him, where they come from and what we use them for. The customer can also be told how long we store personal data and who receives data about the customer.
However, access may be limited for reasons of privacy protection of other persons, to trade secrets and intellectual property rights. The customer can make use of rights by to contact us.
The customer has the right to have inaccurate personal data corrected or deleted
If the customer believes that the personal data, we process about the customer is inaccurate or incorrect, the customer should of course contact us and get them corrected. In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete personal data. This applies, for example, if the customer withdraws his consent. If the customer believes that data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which we obtained it, the customer can ask to have them deleted. The customer can also contact us if the customer believes that personal data will be processed in violation of legislation or other legal obligations.
The customer has the right to object to our processing of personal data
The customer has the right to object to our processing of personal data. The customer can also do objection to our disclosure of data for marketing purposes. If the customer’s objection is justified, we stop the processing and delete the customer’s data, unless we are obliged to legislation to store them.
If the customer wishes to exercise his right to data portability, the customer will receive personal data from us in a commonly used format
The customer has the right to receive the personal data that the customer has made available to us and that we have obtained about the customer from other actors based on the customer’s consent.
General information about the customer’s use of his rights
If the customer wishes to access data, have it corrected or deleted, or to object to our data processing, we investigate whether it is possible and give the customer an answer to his inquiry then as soon as possible and no later than one month after we have received the request.
Right to complain to the Data Protection Authority
The customer has the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Authority if the customer believes that the company’s processing of personal data does not meet the requirements of the law.
Denne cookiepolitik blev sidst opdateret 14. februar 2024 og gælder borgere i Det Europæiske Økonomiske Samarbejdsområde.
Vores websted, (i det følgende: "webstedet") bruger cookies og andre relaterede teknologier (for nemheds skyld benævnes alle teknologier "cookies"). Cookies placeres også af tredjepart, vi har engageret. I dokumentet herunder informerer vi dig om brugen af cookies på vores websted.
En cookie er en lille tekst fil, der sendes sammen med sider på webstedet, og som er gemt i din browser på din computer eller enhed. Informationen i cookien kan blive sendt til vores eller relevante tredjeparts servere, når du besøger siden igen.
Et script er et stump kode, der gør, at vores websted fungerer ordentligt og som forventet. Denne kode afvikles enten på vores server eller på din enhed.
Et web beacon (eller pixel tag) er en lille stump tekst eller billede på et websted, der bruges til at overåge trafikken på webstedet. For at gøre det, bliver der gemt forskellige data om dig i web beacons.
5.1 Tekniske eller funktionelle cookies
Nogle cookies sikrer, at visse dele af webstedet fungerer korrekt, og at dine brugerpræferencer forbliver kendte. Ved at placere funktionelle cookies gør vi det lettere for dig at besøge vores websted. På denne måde behøver du ikke gentagne gange at indtaste de samme oplysninger, når du besøger vores websted, og for eksempel forbliver varerne i din indkøbskurv, indtil du har betalt. Vi kan placere disse cookies uden dit samtykke.
5.2 Marketing- / sporingscookies
Marketing - / sporingscookies eller hvilken som helst anden form for lokal datalagring, som bruges til at udarbejde brugerprofiler med henblik på annoncering eller på at følge brugeren på dette websted eller på tværs af flere websteder med lignende markedsføringsformål.
5.3 Sociale medier
On our website, we have included content to promote web pages (e.g. “like”, “pin”) or share (e.g. “tweet”) on social networks. This content is embedded with code derived from third parties and places cookies. This content might store and process certain information for personalized advertising.
Læs fortrolighedserklæringen på de sociale netværk (som kan ændres regelmæssigt) for at læse, hvad de gør med dine (personlige) data, som de behandler ved hjælp af disse cookies. De data, der hentes, anonymiseres så meget som muligt.
Statistik (anonym)
Vi bruger Elementor til oprettelse af indhold. Læs mere
Disse data deles ikke med tredjepart.
Vi bruger WooCommerce til webshopadministration. Læs mere
Disse data deles ikke med tredjepart.
Vi bruger Google Analytics til webstedsstatistikker. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Google Analytics fortrolighedserklæring.
Vi bruger WordPress til webstedsudvikling. Læs mere
Disse data deles ikke med tredjepart.
Statistikker, Marketing
Vi bruger Wistia til videovisning. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Wistia fortrolighedserklæring.
Vi bruger Wordfence til websidesikkerhed. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Wordfence fortrolighedserklæring.
Vi bruger Ultimate Elementor til webstedsdesign. Læs mere
Disse data deles ikke med tredjepart.
Vi bruger Google Adsense til viser reklamer. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Google Adsense fortrolighedserklæring.
Vi bruger Google Fonts til visning af webfonts. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Google Fonts fortrolighedserklæring.
Vi bruger Google reCAPTCHA til spamforebyggelse. Læs mere
For mere information, bedes du læse Google reCAPTCHA fortrolighedserklæring.
Vi bruger Complianz til administration af cookie-samtykke. Læs mere
Disse data deles ikke med tredjepart. For mere information, bedes du læse Complianz fortrolighedserklæring.
Formål, indtil undersøgelsen
Deling af data afventer undersøgelse
Når du besøger vores websted for første gang, viser vi dig en pop-up med en forklaring om cookies. Så snart du klikker på "Gem præferencer", accepterer du os at bruge de kategorier af cookies og plug-ins du valgte i pop-up-funktionen, som beskrevet i denne cookiepolitik. Du kan deaktivere brugen af cookies via din browser, men bemærk at vores websted muligvis ikke længere fungerer korrekt.
7.1 Administrer dine samtykkeindstillinger
Du kan bruge din internetbrowser til automatisk eller manuelt at slette cookies. Du kan også specificere, at visse cookies muligvis ikke placeres. En anden mulighed er at ændre indstillingerne for din internetbrowser, så du modtager en besked, hver gang en cookie placeres. For mere information om disse indstillinger, se instruktionerne i Hjælp-afsnittet i din browser.
Please note that our website may not work properly if all cookies are disabled. If you do delete the cookies in your browser, they will be placed again after your consent when you visit our website again.
Du har følgende rettigheder med hensyn til dine personlige data:
Kontakt os for at udøve disse rettigheder. Se kontaktoplysningerne nederst i denne cookiepolitik. Hvis du har en klage over, hvordan vi håndterer dine data, vil vi gerne høre fra dig, men du har også ret til at indsende en klage til tilsynsmyndigheden (Datatilsynet).
Kontakt os venligst ved hjælp af følgende kontaktoplysninger vedrørende spørgsmål og / eller kommentarer om vores cookiepolitik og denne erklæring:
Kongevejen 340, 3. th, 2840 Holte
Internet side:
Phone number: 28305445
Denne cookiepolitik blev synkroniseret med på 14. februar 2024.
© 2025 Relevent – Designet af Aveo web&marketing